Active ingredient: oxandrolone. (E-shop)

Oxandrolone appeared in the United States in 1964. under the name Anavar by Searl. For more than two decades it was very popular until, on July 1, 1986, the production of Anavar was not stopped. Today, the drug is still produced under various names. Oxandrolone SPA from "SPA Milano" from Italy is one of the few anabolic steroids in Europe containing this substance (Oxandrolone).

Oxandrolone in reasonable doses does not cause any side effects. This is understandable, since the drug was originally intended for women and children. This is one of the few steroids that does not cause premature delay in physical development in children, because it does not contribute to the closure of the epophyseal joints, therefore the drug is used mainly in children to stimulate body growth and in women with osteoporosis. The drug causes (if at all) very mild virilization phenomena. This quality makes it a favorite tool for athletes, because at a dose of 10-15 mg per day, they rarely have external manifestations of masculinity. Oxandrolone is loved by bodybuilding and powerlifting athletes.

This is primarily due to the fact that it contributes to a strong increase in strength. This is due to the fact that the synthesis of creatine phosphate in the muscle cell is excited and fluid does not accumulate. Weightlifters and security officials who do not want to move to a higher category take advantage of this, because the drug gives them the opportunity to become stronger without gaining their own weight. Good results are obtained by the simultaneous intake of Oxandrolone and 120-140 μg of Clenbuterol per day. Although Oxandrolone itself does not contribute to noticeable muscle growth, it significantly enhances the effect of many steroids on the body; it is especially well combined with Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol and various testosterone variants, because the increase in strength that occurs when taking Oxandrolone while taking Deca-Durabolin, Dianabol or testosterone, which accumulate fluid and promote strong tissue growth, the result is additional muscle mass. The combination of 200mg Deca-Durabolin per week, 500mg Testosterone enanthate per week and 25mg Oxandrolone per day causes a good increase in strength and mass in most athletes. Deca-Durabolin has a pronounced anabolic effect and stimulates protein synthesis, Oxandrolone increases strength, and testosterone makes the athlete more aggressive during training and accelerates regeneration.